[Amps] Taylor tubes
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 13:25:39 -0700
> I don't know about the prison labor. Maybe you have inside
€ This is what a U. S. tube dealer told me. He said that one of the
several tube plants is better than the others, but you can't tell from
the markings which plant made the tube.
>Your shirts are possibly made by prison labor even though they may have
>designer or major brand names on the label.
€ Agreed
> But the tubes are good ones and I have no complaints about quality
>as I have
>had with Triton,
€ I have heard about weak spotwelds in Triton tubes. Eimac had the same
problem with tubes made in Utah, but not those made in San Bruno,
>Penta and CTL glass envelop tubes. And I still maintain
>that graphite Plates are no
>more gassy than metal plates.
€ Do you have a high-pot tester?
cheers, Bill
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,