[Amps] 1.5 Kw SS HF amp reasonably priced...when?

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 23:12:17 -0500

> I purchased and installed the Harris DX-50 50KW transmitter for the legendary
WAPE - 690 kHz in Jacksonville back in 1995.  It was
> without a doubt one of my better decisions when I was in the broadcast
engineering field.  The current Director of Engineering
> recently informed me that in seven years of continuous service, he has not
experienced a single failure of any kind...even though
> we're in one of the most lightning-active areas of the world.  A Harris DX-10
was simultaneously installed at the six-tower
> night-time site and it too has exhibited no failures.  Since the Harris DX-50
and DX-10 requires no tube replacement and efficiency
> is extremely high, the daytime transmitter reached positive payback in only
four years as compared to the Continental 317C2 it
> replaced.  The latest generation of the DX-50 randomizes the load across the
RF module array to add even more resiliency to Hilmer
> Swanson's already incredible design.
> -Paul, W9AC

It was also a very wise move indeed when ARRL Headquarters went to a bank of
Harris amps
several years ago to replace the line-up at W1AW. I am sure they have the same
tales of success
as you have experienced on the broadcast band.

Phil, K5PC