[Amps] QSK amp switching with a TS-940s
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:06:54 -0700
>Anyone have any experience using a TS-940s to key an Alpha 86 amp
>at qsk speeds. The existing relay in the 940 appear to be too slow.
>I have a mod for replacing the relay with a high voltage fet.
The 940 and the TS-440S use a similar relay for keying the amp Relay
Control line on Tx. The article on circuit improvements for the 440 on
my Web site shows how to replace the slow relay with a 300v npn
transistor switch. We sell a parts kit for 50 cents.
>Any other ideas would be appreciated.
How does the 86 T/R switch the antenna?
>cheers, Paul - VA7NT (ex VE7CQK) - email: paule@sfu.ca
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- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,