[Amps] QSK amp switching with a TS-940s
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 20:51:32 -0700
>Hi Paul,
>I have one of those Alpha amps...normally the a keyer keys the '86
>amp and then the amp keys whatever transmitter one has.
€ How does it manage to do SSB VOX, Charlie?
>That allows the QSK circuits time to switch in the amp, thus avoiding
>hot switching the amp.
>If the transmitter keys a little slow, one can build a circuit that
>will correct keying problems. See QST April 1987, page 51
>for a circuit that works very well.
>Charlie, N0TT
>On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:40:51 -0700 Paul Erickson <paule@sfu.ca> writes:
>> Anyone have any experience using a TS-940s to key an Alpha 86 amp
>> at qsk speeds. The existing relay in the 940 appear to be too slow.
>> I have a mod for replacing the relay with a high voltage fet.
>> Any other ideas would be appreciated.
>> --
>> cheers, Paul - VA7NT (ex VE7CQK) - email: paule@sfu.ca
>> "Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad..."
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