[Amps] Re: TS-940s - Mod for Amplifier relay - for QSK]

Paul Erickson paule@sfu.ca
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 13:01:50 -0700

kv7g@mindspring.com wrote:

 > Here is the mod to replace the amplifier keying relay in the TS-940. 
It was
 > sent to me about 18 years ago I believe by Paul - K4AVU.
 > Make this mod at your own risk. I made it and it was not difficult and
 > worked great.
 > ++++++++++++++++++++++
 > Remove RL2 relay mounted on the control board (X53-1420-11)
 > Take a small drill bit and enlarge the holes where the relay was mounted.
 > The holes must be big enough so the leads on the Power Mosfet will
 > pass through them.
 > Mount the Power Mosfet as follows.
 > Gate to diode D59 (cathode)
 > Source to ground
 > Drain to JP17
 > ++++++++++++++++
 > Use an IRF 822 Power Mosfet or equal. I used the only one that Radio 
 > sold about 18 years ago but forget the number.
 > This mod works great and there is NO noise !!!!
 > Bud - KV7G - Yuma, AZ
 > Mailto:kv7g@mindspring.com
 > Web Page http://www.qsl.net/kv7g

Roger D. Johnson <n1rj@pivot.net> wrote:

subject: Re: [Kenwood] Noisy relay in TS940

  > I also added a power FET to do the switching but I added it
  > in parallel with the existing relay. I brought the drain of
  > the FET out to an unused pin on the REMOTE jack (pin 7). The
  > reason I did this is that the FET only allows keying of amps
  > with a positive voltage on the keyline. For amps such as the
  > SB-220, I could turn the relay back on and use the normal pin
  > 4 for keying the linear.
  > There is another reason for using an FET. Kenwood, for some
  > reason, uses a waveform that is delayed 3 ms from key closure
  > to drive the relay. This, added to the 2 ms relay actuating time,
  > means that the linear relay doesn't get the command until about
  > 5 ms after key closure. The 940 starts producing RF at about 6 ms
  > after key closure, so the linear relays have no time to switch!
  > I drive the gate of the FET through a 2.2k resistor from the TR
  > waveform found at JP-26 on the control board. This waveform goes
  > positive at key down thereby giving the linear relay(s) 5 or 6 ms
  > to switch. This is still not enough time for the old style relays
  > but works fine for the vacuum relay QSK system I installed in my
  > Drake L-7.
Looks like there are a couple of options for replacing the amp
relay with a FET. One drives the gate from D59 and the other
from JP-26. The latter has the advantage of being about 3ms
faster, while the former is slightly simpler.

Any thoughts as to which I should chose?

cheers, Paul - VA7NT (ex VE7CQK) - email: paule@sfu.ca

"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad..."

cheers, Paul - VA7NT (ex VE7CQK) - email: paule@sfu.ca

"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad..."