Fw: [Amps] 811 vs SV-572

skipp isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 17:09:17 -0700

Hi Eric, 
As your probably finding out, the traditional 572 and later 
572b are similar and sometimes called "upgraded" 811a 
type tubes.  
re the 572b...
They handle higher plate voltages and have much more 
plate dissipation... about double from memory and the 
various data sheets. . 
In RF Amplifiers...
Unless you are a serious "lock to talk" type, their 
installation in an original equipped 811a chassis is not 
going to net a great deal.  There are good and bad points 
for doing said, different Cin and Cout values might 
require tuned circuit tweaking. 

You should also revisit the power supply ratings to 
help determine if it's just plain worth it. 

572b tubes tend to be pricey... 811a are still found NOS 
for under $20 each, quite the bargain. 

The Svetlana fun starts when you order, be advised they 
make (or used to) a few different versions of the 572b, 
one or more has the plate connection at the base.  There 
were some issues about early production run problems 
that were reported worked out. 

I would hope any decent quality RF rated 572b would 
work, just make sure to get the right type and external 
plate connection (at the top).  People have purchased 
the audio tube for use in RF and wondered "where the 
top of the tube went..."

If you have an existing amplifier with 572b's on board, 
it's probably best to use replacement 572b's when 
replacement is required... pretty obvious. 

IMO, it is not worth the trouble, nor cost effective  to 
replace original equipment - 811a tubes with 572b 
tubes unless you need the duty cycle or just have 
the money to burn. 
You can't get  a lot more out of the power supply by 
changing tubes if it's already at or near its limits...


--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: EVonvaltie@aol.com
Does anyone have any REAL information which shows any significant
between the 811A and the SV-572. I have looked at the curves for both
and the curves quack like the same duck to me.
Is this really another tube PR scam like the ones  tube mfrs. have been 
running on the audio business for years?
Eric von Valtier K8LV

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