[Amps] 811/572 triodes

John T. M. Lyles jtml@lanl.gov
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 10:40:01 -0600

Erick, K8LV, says:

>Despite its higher voltage and dissipation rating, this tube is identical to
>an 811A when operated in the 1-2KV plate voltage range. Many of the
>applications for this tube fall into this range - the familiar 1500-2000V
>4x811A desktop KW. My old 30L1 is exactly such a beast, and is what started
>this whole thing. Anyway, within that range the operating characteristics and
>interelectrode capacitances are virtually identical. Also, it is not possible
>to drive the tube hard enough to require that higher (160W) dissipation.
>Above about 600ma. the Gm starts to drop like a rock . Hence, my original
>statement that it quacks just like an 811A.

I see your point now, that at the 30L1 operating conditions, they two 
triodes play almost the same. If you had a blank sheet of paper to 
redesign and wanted to utilize the 572 for more whoopie like it could 
make, you can do so. Crank up B+, and driver 'er harder. But 
substituting them into a fixed design doesn't buy you anything.

The vacuum tube Tesla coilers used to put 572s in place of 811s for 
more discharge, and push them until they were orange.
