[Amps] QSK amp siwtching with a TS940 almost there

Paul Erickson paule@sfu.ca
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 07:29:30 -0700

Thanks for all the replies.

Replacing the relay with an IRF840 has allowed the 940 to
switch the Alpha86 at qsk speeds, however there is one
remaining problem.

When using the speaker, everything is fine, but when
I switch to headphones, there is a noticeable thump that
is objectionable. I suspect it is due to the low frequency
response (is. too much of it) of the headphones (Heil pro set).

Anyone else been down this road, and found a solution?

Thanks in advance.
cheers, Paul - VA7NT (ex VE7CQK) - email: paule@sfu.ca

"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad..."