[Amps] al80a

Steve Katz stevek@jmr.com
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 07:08:23 -0700

> Zero grid-fil resistrance incicates a bent filanment helix touching the 
> grid.  (Photo in September, 1990 *QST*, and on my Web site)  Either the 
> amplifier has been operated aeronautical mobile in an acrobatic airplane 
> or the filament was bent by  EM force as the result of an intermittent 
> oscillation condition c. 155MHz.   However, grid-fil shorted tubes 
> usually draw high anode current.   // Does this AL-80A have 
> "neutralization" ?  What is the measured resistance of the vhf suppressor 
> resistor?
> //I think he meant "infinite resistance," not "no resistance," since he
> later posted that the tube anode is turning red, and he used a 100K Ohm
> meter to make the measurement.  -WB2WIK/6
> cheers, Carl
> >
> >
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