[Amps] 3-500Z matched pair for sale

Tom Hix w4th@hotmail.com
Fri, 02 Aug 2002 13:11:38 -0500

I have a NEW MATCHED PAIR  of Taylor brand 
3-500ZG tubes for sale.....Price: $230 + shipping.

These tubes have been removed from their factory shipping cartons only for matching/testing.

These are really great tubes, and I will warranty them myself for 6 months.....if they dont work, send them back.....as long as you are not the cause of the tube failure if you happen to have one.

I stand behind what I sell.

Thanks and 73


Tom's Tubes: Your Russian Tube Connection. Specializing in Amateur Radio Amplifier Tubes & Sockets.   http://www.tomstubes.com

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