[Amps] Re: bifilar rods
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 19:36:39 -0700
>This results in 25A of opposing current per rod , 60hz field
>cancels, and everything runs smooth down to 1.8 Mhz. You can't
>blow up type 43 material.
** not a sound wager
>Fil xfmr is on separate chassis, below main rf deck. If fil
>xfmr was on rf deck, I would have just put the bifilar in the
>240v primary of fil xfmr, and floated the fil xfmr from chassis.
** enlightened engineering
>The double rod trick works well with 5/8" diam, type 43 rods,
>and bifilar wound with 8 ga wire. Handles an easy 80A. The
>10ga wires handle an easy 60A.
>2 separate rods, each with just one winding will work fine, as u
>propose, but not a 1st choice.
cheers, Jim
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,