[Amps] pictures
Paul Christensen
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 09:31:06 -0400
And don't fall into the trap of purchasing for "more megapixels" alone. Resolution quality for both distant and near-field objects
is also largely dependant on the lens quality. From the barrage of advertisements, one would conclude that any lens will do so long
as the camera has a gazillion megapixels.
Two years ago, I bought into the Madison Avenue hype concerning megapixels. My existing Sony Mavica MVC-91F took breathtaking,
sharp images without a trace digital distortion. It was a low megapixel camera with a very large lens aperture. I then "upgraded"
to a 4 megapixel Mavica model with a mediocre lens and I have been extremely disappointed with the picture quality. Images from
the new camera are downright embarrassing when compared to that of the old Mavica. I never had to ensure that the lighting was
"just right" with the old Mavica. I now have to conduct as many as 4-6 re-takes with the current camera in order to make the
pictures look reasonable. Perhaps others would not notice the distortion, and perhaps I would not have ever picked up on it except
I had a comparison camera from which to judge (the old Mavica with far fewer megapixels).
The moral of the story is to pay attention to the lens quality just as much as the number of megapixels you are purchasing. What
does this have to do with amplifiers?.....OK, take a look at my Alpha 70V on the AlphaPower web site (link below). The pictures
were taken with the new camera with added external lighting. Note the degree of grain and lack of sharpness in most pictures. The
macro function turned to be all but useless for near-field objects. And, I had conducted multiple re-takes on each.
-Paul, W9AC
> ----- Original Message -----
rom: "Pete Smith" <n4zr@contesting.com>
> To: <amps@contesting.com>
> Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 9:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] pictures
> > Another important issue with digitals is the time required between
> > pictures; I love my Olympus D-460, but the time from pressing the shutter
> > release till the picture is taken, and particularly the time between
> > successive pictures, is a real brake on getting just the picture you want,
> > particularly in an action situation.
> >
> > 73, Pete N4ZR
> >
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