[Amps] 3-500Z parasitic wows

WA2BPE wa2bpe@infoblvd.net
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 15:57:20 -0400

...Had this happen to me with an old SB220 destroying one tube; luckily (??),
they were about to be replaced anyways.  Later investigation showed that the
resistors in the parasitic chokes had increased between 5 & 10x their original
value.  I was "fortunate" - only the tube arced with no other damage.

73,  Tom - WA2BPE

John wrote:

> Hi
>   I have been around a lot of amps .....   Every amp that had a parasitic
> blowup episode used a 3-500Z  . I'm talking TL -922 , SB-220 , AL 80 , AL
> 80a ,AL82,  SB-1000 , Drakes, Viewstars & more ... If it has a 3-500z
> ....it WILL someday hand grenade,  I had two go off next to me , my friends
> SB220 & AL80.... blowing parts everywhere & dreaded grid to filament
> shorts.......I have no confidence in that tube. Every time I use an amp with
> a 3-500z in it , I am waiting for the big bang .....
> John
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