[Amps] bangs in 3cx800

Gene A. Williamson genewill@ordata.com
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 09:39:38 -0700

>that uses a pair 3cx800. About a minute or so after I first turned it on 
>[nothing hooked to it but the power cord] I heard a very loud bang. So I 
>shut if off and inspected for damage. Nothing found.
>While reading the manual imagine my surprise to see the bang 
>mentioned, said to not be that uncommon, and not to worry about it unless it 
>starts happening often--then replace the tube.

	I'm an appliance operator, here to learn ... but I can't help commenting
on the above. What kind of an amp manufacturer says "It'll bang sometimes
when you turn it on; if it happens a lot, replace the $350 tube."?
Apparently the answer to that is Ameritron. Is this a common practice??

	My ACOM 1000 manual certainly says no such thing ... nor does the amp make
any noises at all.

73 Gene N7YW