[Amps] Yaesu FL2100B to 6 Meters?

Nermin Bajramoviĉ fortra@siol.net
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 21:53:15 +0200


I must have somewhere the JPG and other data for converting FL-2100B to six
meters. As far as I could recall, that was the G-ham, who made the
conversion. He used band switch position for 10 meters and made a new tap on
coil. Also he did modify the input matching. Myself I am also considering
doing the modification on my FL. The option as someone mentioned is GI7BT.
Geez, those tubes could be really bought cheap. I got mine's    for between
15-20 Euro or close amount in US$. Also guys take a look for SIX meters
groups. There is a lot of useful information's about amp conversions. Good

Nermin S58DX
