[Amps] Which 3-500Z

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 10:22:53 -0700

>Greetings amps enthusiasts,
>I've had precious little time to devote to my 4 x 813
>project this summer, so it looks like another fall and
>winter with my Henry 1KD5.  It's got an Eimac bottle
>in it that suffers now from low output, undoubtedly
>due to excessive filament voltage. 

RR.  Another problem is the bleeder resistors produce too much heat for 
the electrolytics.  Changing from 25-kohmequalizers to c. 100kohm would 

> I'll probably
>purchase another tube, correct the filament voltage
>problem, and use it a while longer but am interested
>in "field reports" of the various ones currently
>available.  Are the Amperex tubes worth the extra
>$$$???  Taylor??? Star??? Eimac NOS (yikes!)????

I still get full suds from an Amperex bottle that was made in 1967.  
Chinese tubes are currently good.  Triton [was Eimac] tubes reportedly 
have weak (but beautiful)*  anode-cooler spotwelds that fail with normal 
heating/cooling cycles.  Eimac tubes made in Salt Lake had the same 
problem - while those made in San Bruno did not.    
* Note - beautiful looking spotwelds are like unto beautiful women.  
>Suggestions please.
>Kind regards
>Microsoft is not the answer.
>Microsoft is the question.... and the answer is NO!
>Randy  (AD5GB)
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-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 