Dudley Hurry
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 23:39:59 -0500
I have a 3K Classic Desktop with an 8877. The original blower would run you
out of the room. First thing to do is replace the blower. I bet that the
bearings are bad in the blower. I'm not sure on the 2K-3, but originally
this amp had a 3CX1200 in it the blower was 140 cfm.. I replaced it with a
60 cfm, did the water pressure test, and measured a static rise of .6 inch
of water. The specs say that the static pressure of .41 inch, still blowing
plenty of air, even for continous use. Henry has never been known for
lack of air from a blower.. You could most likely replace the blower with
a high volume muffin fan like in the Drake L7 with no problem unless you
like to run RTTY at full power..
Thanks and 73's,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Al Burroughs" <aburroughs@vitesse.com>
To: <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 4:21 PM
Subject: [Amps] hENRY 2K-3 FAN NOISE
> I acquired a Henry 2k-3 amp tabletop amp that works fine but the acoustic
> fan noise is so bad I have to keep it 20 feet away. Does anyone have a
> solution to this problem?? I have it supported on a piece of foam, which
> does help, but I think mechanical vibration of the case is causing most of
> the problem.
> 73, Alan
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