[Amps] re Negative lead filtering

RICK COLE RICK COLE" <vk3ym@primus.com.au
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 05:26:17 +1100

Richard Brummer wrote about NEGATIVE LEAD FILTERING....this is the first =
time i have heard of this thing so where do i go to learn more about =
it..a net search did not help much at all

"What you have is a transformer which was designed for use with negative
lead filtering.  The peak DC voltage with full wave rectification at no
load will be about 1814 volts, 2500 / 2 =3D 1250; 1250 x SQRT(2) =3D =
hence the warning on the transformer."

Yes, and there is much to be said in favor of negative lead filtering. =
(filter choke=20
from transformer centertap to ground)  There is little dc stress on the =
filter choke,=20
and output voltage is a bit higher than with positive lead filtering.  =
Also you can=20
rectify the ripple voltage across the filter choke to get (-) bias =

Richard Brunner, AA1P

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