[Amps] CBer??
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 09:46:24 EST
> Why would a cb'er have any interest in amps or dx etc. as they are not legal
> activities on cb?
> Marty
marty, this is the real world we live in. information and discussions are
never illegal regardless of what radio service one chooses to use. if you
wish to censor your discussions with others based on a ticket or not then so
be it but don't expect the entire world to be so closed minded. large amounts
of RF exist all over the hf bands outside of the precious few KC's belonging
to the amateurs and it has and will always be that way regardless of how many
uptight type people get offended. some of the best RF minds in this world
have never held a ham license.
73 de Tim Kp82
"The ability to make (and keep) many friends on the band, is the most
powerful capability of your radio. This can only be achieved through QSO, not