[Amps] Neutral vs Ground Connection for 220 VAC
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 9:7:39 -0800
>A current sensor could be installed on the safety ground wire where it
>the breaker panel. This could trigger a 6 inch fire alarm gong and red
>light so that the ham shack can be evacuated in a timely manner.
Over 60 years ago, W7VS was hired as director of the Communications of the
City of Portland Police Department. As he surveyed the equipment, he
inquired why there was a 6 inch fire gong above the dispatcher. Soon, a
call was made by the dispatcher and the ear splitting gong went off. The
dispatcher turned to him and noted that at night the dispatch frequency
(about 1750 KHz) would skip and Salt Lake City would often come in. The
police had receive only in those days and they would try to follow the Salt
Lake City dispatcher. The wizard in charge of the Portland communications
decided to install a loud gong above the mike so that when the mike was
keyed the gong would go off. That way, the cars would know that it was a
Portland dispatch.
73, Colin K7FM