[Amps] ETO 91b help please.

KL7RA kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 09:39:32 -0900

Yo Robert

Do this:

Set tune and load to the presets mentioned in the

Run the power up a little and peak tune then load.
Make sure the reflected power stays in the green.=20
You should not see a big change in these settings.

I don't use it myself but the "tune" indicator does stay
around the "tuning okay" mark for me. The plate current=20
stays a little above that mark as I recall.

My guess is if the reflected power is okay you are tripping
on the input too high fault, red LED comes on, as you run
up the power because the load control is set wrong.

I had a heck of a time with this amp when it was new as I
kept tripping it off. I finally had to open the manual and=20
use their tuning instructions and tune/load presets, a=20
violation of 30 years of home brewing policy and my ego.=20

73 Rich KL7RA

current may be tripping =20

>Hi Robert:
>         I realize that not every amp is the same due to differences in
>component values, but try a Tune =3D 26 and Load =3D 72 and see what
>happens. Mine works just perfectly with these settings on 28.500.
>Also when you get to 800w out and just before it trips into fault,
>what are the meter readings for Plate Current and the HV.
>73 De Mike
>At 13:08 12/16/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>>ETO 91b help please.
>>I recently bought my first amp, a 91b second hand.
>>It was demonstrated to me working fine on a real antenna, (not a dummy
>>I went to use it for the first time for the ARRL 10M.
>>It has the 10m modification for outside the US, the tapping on the
>>transformer is correct for 220V.
>>The relay was switched manually and not by the radio.
>>The SWR on the antenna is about 1.2:1and has been used with amps =
>>I followed the tune up procedure in the booklet enclosed with the amp, =
>>it just 'faults out" every time.
>>In the booklet it suggests starting with Tune =3D 40 and Load =3D80.
>>Once I have followed the procedure I end up with Tune =3D 10 and Load =
=3D 0.
>>As I increase the power I get to about  800w out, then it trips.
>>I do not think it is normal for the Load to be so low.
>>What am I doing wrong?
>>I am an 'antenna' ham and not a 'radio technical ham', this is a (big =
>>bloody heavy) black box to me, so please keep it simple if its =
>>Amps mailing list
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