[Amps] (no subject)

Chuck K8CPA k8cpa@arrl.net
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 12:16:01 -0500

>Message: 5
>From: "Robert Carroll" <rlcarroll@rcn.com>
>To: <amps@contesting.com>
>Subject: RE: [Amps] ICOM 756 PRO II or FT 1000 MP Field or Mk 5 ?
>Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 19:03:27 -0500
>Does anyone have experience with the supposedly fabulous Ten Tec Orion?
>I have seen no reviews yet. http://www.tentec.com/TT565.htm
>Bob W2WG

you mean the ten-tec MORON? anyone that pays that kind of price for a 
ten-tec or any other radio for that matter is a Moron.

and besides all that, you got to put a brick on top the radio, otherwise, 
it'll drift off your desk! ;-P

The best solution!  GET A KENWOOD! Preferable a TS-950SDX!

73 and good luck in the contest!

-Chuck K8CPA

P.S. what does this have to do with amps in the first place????

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