[Amps] RE: K8CPA

Paul Noble w4doa@hotmail.com
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 20:32:51 -0500


Merry Christmas, even to Chuck who has taken a 3.898 comment, designed to up 
set people that are ten tec fans, and to promote it to a new level, leading 
to the upseting of a large number of people in several nations.

I personally have had several ten tec's and find them an excellant radio.  
However, I understand others live for conflict. So it is, even in radio on 

This is my take on this....I don't think it was/is personal, simply a 
conflict starting statement.

I think the statements made on this listing regarding Eimac was much more 
deflamatory than Chuck's comments.

73, Peace and relaxation for the season, let the feathers settle.

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