[Amps] who makes the best?

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 20:10:45 -1000

Some one asked:

> Greetings all, who makes the best commercially available 
> amateur radio 1500  watt amp?
> HRO, Ameritron? Tentec? others?

The best at what?  Auto tuning,  continuous duty for 48 hours 
in an RTTY contest (essentially key down the whole time),
the prettiest,  the one which most stations own and use,
the one with the most "headroom",  the one with the "best"
reputation (what ever that means),  the one from the 
company longest in the business,  the one with the best
QSK and the highest speed,  no click CW,  the most linear
one for "high fi" SSB,  etc?

Lots of things quantify amplifiers.  What use do you have in
mind?  Lot of guys on here who can tell you which might
be the "best" in case one of the above is the most important
to you.

Good luck and 73,  Jim  KH7M

PS:  I bought Henry Radio amps:  lots of headroom,  so very
linear,  BIG power supplies so long lasting,  and they have
been in the business for a loooong time with lots of amps
in both commercial and amateur service (commercial
overseas short wave broadcast CCS service).  Many on
here would not agree the Henry amps are the "best";  in
fact, many would say they are not good......but my experience,
and that of many other says otherwise.  Henry amp info at:


should you want to look them over.
