[Amps] who makes the best?

Rich 2@vc.net
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 22:57:45 -0800

>Some one asked:
>> Greetings all, who makes the best commercially available 
>> amateur radio 1500  watt amp?
>> HRO, Ameritron? Tentec? others?
>The best at what?  Auto tuning,  continuous duty for 48 hours 
>in an RTTY contest (essentially key down the whole time),
>the prettiest,  

The amp that gets the most compliments from visitors who know little 
about amplifiers is by far the best.  From an educational benefits 
standpoint, an HF amp design that uses no parasitic suppressor 
whatsoever, no step-start and conventional, molassas-in-January  relays 
is very good -- especially for those who like really big $urprises.



-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.