[AMPS] aLPHA 76 AND 78 tube conversions
Jim Strohm
Sat, 2 Feb 2002 12:43:41 -0600
"Jimmy Jones" <jjones@etex.net> writes --
>I'm just saying, if I was going to make money off of something that someone
>else did I would at least be willing to invest in it. He is simply trying to
>make money using someone elses ideas. Why would'nt he just tell everyone who
>his source is and let them buy there own tubes and sockets?
For your first point -- it's called "research." In some venues such as
amateur radio, it's considered proper to share the results of one's
experiments without significant renumeration.
For your second point, Tom's price will not be the same as your price or my
price from the same vendor. Please realize that these tubes and sockets
are not made in San Carlos CA, they're made in Russia. Shipping and
shipping paperwork are considerable issues. Add to that -- Tom is a repeat
commercial customer, buying in quantity. You and I would be one-time,
unit-one customers. It's much less cost-effective for a distributor or
manufacturer to deal with an order from us than an order from Tom.
That said, I'd be _VERY_ interested in Tom's cost for a pair of these tubes
and a pair of sockets, for experimentation. I don't happen to have an
Alpha 76, but knowing that the price of re-tubing will push the effective
value of a used, tubeless 76 well into the negative value, I'd like to see
the numbers.
And -- if you hit the web for research as much as I do, you know that it's
not difficult to fabricate sockets, and it's possible to "get lucky" on the
tubes on ebay from time to time, at approx. $10 each plus about $10 each
shipping from Europe.
Tom, care to offer a price? Everybody knows that the price is contingent
on the buyer actually having an Alpha 76 or 78 for conversion.
Jay -- if _you_ had an Alpha with good tubes to convert, you could easily
get a few hundred dollars for the pulls and sockets on ebay once the
conversion was complete. And if you were careful, you could even develop a
conversion that was reversible, with the old sockets mounted on a newly
fabricated plate that could be swapped with a fabricated plate holding the
old sockets.
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