[AMPS] Did you own one?

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj@tampabay.rr.com
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 09:38:44 -0800

A local is selling a Dentron DTR2000 amp.

It is an 8877 and has been modified to include a tuned input circuit, higher
voltage power supply and a squirrel cage blower has been added.

Some of the Dentron products were well built others were not...

If you have had experience one of these amps how did you like it?

This one is in beautiful physical condition, am anxious to learn the
thoughts of someone who used one.

I use amps for 48 hour contests and this one seems like it should loaf at
1500watts...but....if there are inherent problems with other components it
ain't worth the heartache.

Thanks in advance,

Jim, K4OJ

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