[AMPS] Bird Meters

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 16:32:45 -0600

I buy my Bird stuff direct from the factory.
Great folks to deal with, and fast service.

Phil, K5PC

Subject: RE: [AMPS] Bird Meters

> > I'm looking for a couple of the meters that are used in the Bird 43. Does
> > anyone have any they would like to sell or know where I can get them?
> >
> They are available as spare parts from any authorized Bird
> distributor.  As they are 30uA movements, I don't know of any "replacements"
> other than buying them from Bird.  Richardson Electronics used to stock the
> meters seperately, probably still does.
> WB2WIK/6
> > 73, Bob
> > W0YVA

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