[AMPS] mini Teflon coax, the white stuff

John Unger w4au@contesting.com
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 08:36:51 -0500

Check out http://worldwidewire.com/

They have odd lengths of different types of wire including teflon coax. I've gotten teflon hookup wire in small quantities.

73 - John, W4AU

At 08:06 2/12/02 -0500, you wrote:

>> Hello Amps Members, 
>> I'm trying to source a supply of 50 ohm Teflon type/style 
>> coax, the "smaller sized" white stuff.  
>> Some solid state VHF&UHF Amplifiers use this coax 
>> for internal paths.   There are two sizes that I know about. 
>> One size is a reduced RG-58 type, another even smaller 
>> heading down to the RG-174 type. 
>> What I need is the RG-174 type of Teflon coax.  None of 
>> the white type found in amplifiers has a type or part 
>> number indicated.   I'd like to find a retailer or small 
>> quantify for a UHF amplifier rebuild and a few other 
>> projects. I'd even settle for the larger 58 size stuff if 
>> I can find it. 
>> Any help...? 
>> thanks
>> skipp
>I think the coax you're referring to is RG188 - approximately
>3.3mm OD white Teflon/PTFE, 50 ohm.
>I have some here in the UK... but you should be able to find
>it more locally.
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