[AMPS] mini Teflon coax, the white stuff

Steve Katz stevek@jmr.com
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 08:26:15 -0800

> Very minor point - RG178 is .071" od, RG188 is .102"
	::My eyes can't see either one very well, I'm afraid.

> Alcatel have cables called Filotex, which include .047" and .035" od.
> Quite
> useful if you actively want attenuation to adjust drive level.

	::The perfect CB solution!  Can you get several thousand feet of the
.035" stuff with PL-259's installed, for me to provide to all the local
"free banders?"  It would be best if it was labeled (microscoping 1-point
print is okay) "Super Range Extender Coax" or something like that, makes it
more marketable.  Help?


> Steve
> --
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