[AMPS] HA-10 Conversion to 572B Tubes

Steve Katz stevek@jmr.com
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:56:00 -0800

> Just acquired (real cheap) a Heathkit HA-10 with a
> blown Plate transformer and no tubes.  Everything else
> is in like new condition.  Since the amp looks like
> new I'm thinking I should install a new Plate
> transformer of sufficient voltage and power
> capabilities to power up four new 572B tubes.  This
> would increase the power out and I would gain some
> plate dissapation capibilities as well.

	::Why not?  There should be sufficient room in this monster.  Don't
forget to change the cathode bias, too.  And the filter caps/bleeders.  I'd
recommend getting rid of the silly little fan and installing a real fan,
like a 120mm "boxer" fan...   Pretty looking amplifier.  Way too heavy for a
mere 1kW PEP, but like Wonder Bread, it might help build strong bodies...


> Any thoughts?
> 73,
> bill
> =====
> Bill Smith KO4NR
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