[AMPS] HA10?

John T. M. Lyles jtml@lanl.gov
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 09:17:03 -0700

Re: Heath HA10. Is that the same as a Warrior?

About a year ago I was looking for a KW1 Chippewa with the KS1 power 
supply. I found one in Redmond, WA, area and saw it while visiting 
there. It had been modified to be grounded grid, triode connected 
4-400As, and the power supply was homebrew - not what I was looking 
for. I'd like to find one to get 2 x 4-400A tetrode amp. If anyone 
finds one in better shape thats for sale, please let me know. We have 
a Johnson Thunderbolt here at work in mint condx, and its a nice 
beast inside. However, I need a KW1~ Thanks,
New Mexico


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