[Amps] Re-subscribe ??
Jon Ogden
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 22:06:22 -0600
This has actually been going on for some time and just hit the amps
One of the first to be switched was the RFI list. I wanted to change e-mail
addresses and kept subscribing via majordomo@contesting.com. At that time,
the majordomo engine wasn't turned off, but the list server was moved over
to the new software. It took a bunch of people getting involved to finally
figure out what was going on and why I wasn't subscribed.
They told me that they were gradually moving lists to the new software and
would move everyone when the new server was installed. I guess that
Mailman is much better, apparently, from a list management point of view.
The Majordomo software was apparently patched and kluged over the years and
is now just obsolete. Many mail reflectors are going to this. All the
lists on QTH.NET are now on mailman as well.
Nothing to be worried about with the message. You just got moved over to
the new list software automatically.
on 2/25/02 10:17 PM, Jim White, K4OJ at k4oj@tampabay.rr.com wrote:
> new server - thanks to donations from a number of hams there is a new server
> for all of the contesting.com lists and they are being "re-started" - that's
> technical talk
> k4oj
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil (VA3UX)" <phil@vaxxine.com>
> To: <amps@contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 2:50 PM
> Subject: [Amps] Re-subscribe ??
>> Anybody else get an unexpected "Welcome to amps@contesting.com" notice ?
>> Phil
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> _______________________________________________
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