[AMPS] OT New Years stuff

Jim Strohm jstrohm@texas.net
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 13:34:08 -0600

As I write this, I am listening to my General Radio Model 1211C Unit
Oscillator, aka QRP rig #2, warm up long enough to settle for transmitting
use.  My listening toy?  An old Singer communications service monitor with
dial-a-hertz knobs.  I have had far more than my fair share of laughs today
with zero-beating the audio out from the monitor to the GR oscillator.
Like -- I can get the signals to the "thump - thump - thump" resolution.

As soon as the drifty GR settles down to the point that I'm comfortable
with keying its output, I'll be on around 3.750 at an embarrassingly low
rate, and an amazingly low ERP.  But hey, it's QRP!


PS -- the auction that got me the Singer, three Fluke 1.3 GHz counters, two
HP o-scopes, four Fluke DVMs, a Polarad microwave sig gen, a Gigatronix 18
GHz counter, and some other junk was by far the best $67 I ever spent.
Thanks, FAA!

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