[AMPS] HV Transformer

Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 14:06:00 -0800

I want to second Phil's comments about selecting the right transformer
first.  Although I love to use the parts I have, there is nothing worse than
building a nice amplifier around an existing large transformer, only to
learn that even though it is big it has too much voltage drop.

You could purchase a transformer that meets your specifications exactly from
an unknown source.  You will pay a pretty penny for it plus shipping.  Be
aware, though, that some transformers which meet the specifications you gave
will not be suitable for a nice amplifier.

Using a surplus or existing transformer is fine - if you are prepared to
test it or at least scientifically research it.

I had a heavy transformer out of an old BTI amplifier that I thought would
be suitable and built an amplifer around it.  Transformer sag, however,
turned the project into a real disappointment.  Finally removed the

Colin  K7FM

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