Sat, 12 Jan 2002 11:10:00 -0000
I probably posted this in this reflector before but
as my problems with the AL1500 still go on, let me
ask for your opinions once again.
I read some optimistic comments about the AL-1500 amp., I got one for 3
years now but about a year ago it started developing a problem, everytime
I'm TXing and get back to reception, the reception strength of the sinal in
the radio fades dramatically (no, its not the radio).
More often in 160, 40, 20 and 17 than in the others.
I find the open air TR Relay in the Linear a bad option, I have installed a
new Relay along with a fast QSK board, but problem still remains.
I have also tryed to clean the relay contacts and resolder everything going
from the chassis PL connectors to the relay, it looks a bit better now but
still have problems in reception, mainly when I'm TXing for
sometime and Linear starts to warm up.
I also replaced the coax extensions going from the Linear to
the antenna switch, but problem remains.
By the way, with the same setup I replaced the AL1500 with a Acom2000 and
with an Yaesu FL-2100z and I have no problems at all, everything is working
just fine.
Has any of you had this problem with yours AL-1500 ?
73 José CT1EEB
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