[AMPS] Input matching experiment

rich 2@mail.vcnet.com
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 16:49:57 -0800

>on 1/18/02 4:35 PM, Jim Strohm at jstrohm@texas.net wrote:
>> I question dogmatic thinking.  I question bombastic spokesmen who insist
>> that theirs is the One True Word, Excluding All Others.
>> And when I have a theory or line of inquiry that I can test out with a
>> simple and repeatable experiment, sometimes I try out my idea.  Sometimes I
>> have a better idea, sometimes not.
>> Were it not for people like me, we'd all still be living on a flat Earth
>> with the sun circling us every day.
>I wouldn't call walking where others have walked "dogmatic" thinking. ... ... 
//   Not all who say they have walked a path have been there.   This 
seems to especially apply to groupies.  

>The facts are what the literature and texts and scientific theory show.  We
>know that the tube is not a linear device.  

> We know that it operates in saturated mode.  

//  For linear applications when the tube is conducting, it is never at 

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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