[AMPS] New to the Amps list

krishna kkanakas@cisco.com
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:23:00 -0500

Hi all,
 After having frequented the towertalk list, i am
 new to the amps reflector. Well, wanted that
 extra power after the tower has been installed.

Now i do have some stupid questions on Amps.
I am not quite an experienced homebrewer. Especially,
after that RF burn with a 100W rig when playing with
 apartment antennas, i am a bit shy. But willing to
 safely experiment .{ not yet on homebrewing a QRO amp :) }

I am contemplating on an AL-811/AL-811H.

1) Is the AL-811H the same copy of AL-811, but
  has an extra matched tube.??

2) Can i buy an AL-811 and then later, when i
 retube it, drop in a matched quad of 572B's to
 make it a AL-811H. I assume the 811 will have an
 unused tube socket.

3) I have been thru the eham.net reviews on the AL-811's.
    A lot of folks have given a big thumbs up for the Amp.

 What are the things i should keep in mind when looking out
 or testing an amp, if i buy used?? Would you recommend this
 for my first amp.

My setup has a TA-33 with the 2KW traps, a TS-440 exciter
and a MFJ-969( 300W tuner).

Sorry about my stupid questions and i do appreciate your
patience and help.


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