[AMPS] stinky amplifiers.

skipp isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 20:06:35 -0800

re: This seller claims that this sb-220 lost it’s paint due to 
the “heat from normal operation”:
Hi there, 
It's not that unbelievable... 
This actually something I've seen in other places. I've got 
three or four amplifiers with similar visible case marks. I 
ended up tracing the discolor down to the previous owners 
small dogs whizzing on the amplifiers while they were 
stored on a closet floor.   Over a period of two years, the 
offending liquid can eat right through a steel chassis.
The amps I bought (real cheap) still worked as once 
demonstrated by the seller, but I dunked them in an 
autoclave (steam pressure dishwasher) for a few cycles. 
A business local to me will sand blast and epoxy paint 
the cleaned cases so they look better than new. Epoxy 
paint is the way to go...     Some of the hardware has to 
go, some gets close up cleaning as needed. The 
end result is always the amplifier gets pulled apart 
and a ground up rebuild, replacing things as required. 
It's a cheap but stinky way to break into the used amplifier 
market for a relative low cost. I've bought three amplifiers 
in said condition from separate people over the last five 
years. One was a Collins 30L1... 
The offending dogs were most often Chihuahuas... one 
was a poodle. 

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