[AMPS] Anode cooler question

Radio WC6W wc6w@juno.com
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 12:51:20 -0800

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 13:51:50 -0600 Jim Strohm <jstrohm@texas.net> writes:

> The particular tubes I got were not 2C39s, but have a similar finned
> external anode.  I see no set-screw on them; otherwise I would have 
> already pulled the anode and put it on my physical-specimen 4-1000.

  Then, they might just unscrew.
> Now, I'd have to look at a 4-1000 again, but IIRC its anode cap has a
> setscrew and is removable, leaving the actual pin to the anode exposed
> it's about 1/8" in diameter.

  If you do that you'll have to make some kind of threaded bushing.  

  The inside of the loose 2C39 cooler I have here is threaded 3/8" x 16.

> Cheapskate-a-mundo that I am, I'm always looking for ways to recycle
> otherwise useless junk into usable radio parts.

   Hmmm... my experience typically runs to the converse!  :-)

> Next project -- making HV PS filter caps from tinfoil and wax paper!!

   They still make wax paper?

  Marv  WC6W

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