[AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu

Radio WC6W wc6w@juno.com
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 10:56:52 -0800

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:31:06 +0000 "Ian White, G3SEK" <G3SEK@ifwtech.com>


> When everything is up and running, I suppose it would be possible to 
> ift the screen supply to a large resistor connected from the B+...  but

> I'd never feel easy about it, and certainly wouldn't recommend anyone 
> else to do that.

  I've been running my 4CX1500B like that for... 15 years.  The low end
of the plate supply bleed (50K from 3 KV) is the screen voltage source.  
I also have a 350V SCR crowbar, in the plate supply at the low end of the
bleed, in case something goes awry with the screen regulator or the wires
between the plate and screen supply.  Works fine and the crowbar has
never crowed... except for test.

  Marv  WC6W

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