[AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu

rich 2@mail.vcnet.com
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 04:59:12 -0800

>Radio WC6W wrote:
>>   The shunt regulator consists of a venerable uA723 regulator IC driving
>>a FET.  The FET is connected to the screen through a series R which drops
>>most of the voltage and therefore dissipates most of the heat.  The '723
>>is powered from a +15V supply which is independent of the plate supply.
>> ... 
> ...
>However, it does show that the more you think about screen supplies, the 
>more potential failure modes you see, and the more complex the design 
>becomes to defend against them. Marv's is complex; Acom's is complex; 
>Alpha's is complex; and G4JZQ's and mine is complex. We all did it 
>differently, but we all agree that a handful of cheap zeners won't cut 
-  The only person who used cheapie zeners is the one who sells 
sophisticated screen regulator boards.  I used quality zeners at about 
35% of the max diss rating (at 25ºC case temperature) because I realized 
that the case temperature would be somewhat higher -- especially when I 
was operating AG6K/HE1L atop Mt. Purgatory in the ARRL June VHF contest. 


-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 

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