[AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu

rich 2@mail.vcnet.com
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:06:08 -0800

>Rich wrote...
>> //   Sounds good.  How did you protect the screen from loss of anode
>> potential?.
>This reminded me of a 4-65A amp (class C) that I built for 40m many 
>years ago.  After installing a bigger fan (cooler is gooder) I hooked 
>everything back up to the power supply, which was in a separate 
>Well, almost everything.  Not the anode supply; but the "stiff" 
>screen supply was connected.
>The first time I keyed up, the screen potential was applied, and the 
>tube performed like one of the old focal-plane shutter type 
>flashbulbs.  It gave off a very bright light, nearly white... none of 
>that wussy orange color... for a fraction of a second (1/4? 1/2 
>second?)and I was left with a 3-65A.  
A rare bottle. 

>It was an expensive show in a brief time. 
>In my tetrode amplifiers since that time, screen voltage application 
>always requires the presence of appropriate anode voltage (and 
>appropriate control grid bias, as well!) whatever the method of 
>screen regulation (or lack thereof.)
Amen, George

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 

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