[AMPS] Re: Bickering

Steve Thompson g8gsq@qsl.net
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:54:39 -0000

-----Original Message-----
From: KB6LWN - Bruce <kb6lwn@callsign.net>
To: Ralph Parker <amps@contesting.com>
Date: 31 January 2002 09:11
Subject: [AMPS] Re: Bickering

>Well, Ralph...
>I guess you can see by now, that it's not going
>to change.  Ignorance and inconsideration remains
>when folks like (to name just a few):
>Jimmy Jones
>Rick Bullon
>Steve Thompson
>Traian - YO9FXS
>Michael Watts
Actually, Bruce, if you check the archives, you will find I am one of the
more assiduous in removing large parts of postings before replying. Where I
leave stuff in, it's because I think it's relevant so that anyone reading
the message can understand the context. Where threads diverge into multiple
discussions, it can get very confusing otherwise. I'm 100% with you in
disliking enormous reposts where it's irrelevant.

Best wishes,


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