[AMPS] Porcelain standoffs

Cleeve g3jvc@jcleeve.idps.co.uk
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 19:28:57 +0000

    I think that if the insulators have been stored in a wet or damp
environment for a number of years, then the glaze may also have hair
line cracks, my solution would be to place the insulatores in a moderate
oven  (140 C) for a few hours, that should drive off any moisture hiding
in those cracks.

    A possible alternative, would be to use Pyrex glass tube, I believe
that I have mentioned this before. The Pyrex tube is available from
laboratory supply houses, in 1 metre lengths, and in many diameters, and
wall thickness. To make a stand off insulator, you would have to cut the
tube to the appropriate length, insert a tapped plug of suitable
material into each end of the cut length, and there you have it, a stand
off insulator..... most chemistry, and biology laboratories have a glass
technician, to make up their "glass circuitry" and perhaps some discrete
enquiries, in the medical facilities in your area, may yield suitable
help from a previously unknown source......good luck, sincerely, John
Cleeve. G3JVC.

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