[Amps] SELL: filament transformer(s)

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 07:10:59 -0400

Offering for sale an OEM Drake L4B filament transformer pull from a mint
amplifier. Runs a pair of 3-500's @ 30 amps and has an additional  12VCT
antenna relay winding  as well as a dedicated 110VAC winding to operate
panel lights. Input is 110/220VAC.  Removed intact with no cut wires and
ready to drop in. Looks like new. $80 + shipping 

Hallicrafters HT 33 multi purpose (output)  rectifier/screen voltage
transformer pull. Working perectly with full length wires. Ready to drop
in. $55+ shipping  Ron W2CMQ/3