[Amps] Drake L7 PS questions

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 05:52:41 -0700

>More specifically, re: the capacitor question on the L7......
>the original supply used 4x 200mfd at 450 volts on each leg of the doubler.  
>This was a capacitance per leg of 50 mfd, at 1800 volts.
>MY choice is between 4 x 270mfd at 450v  for  67.5mfd per leg, at 1800v
>or 5x 270mfd at 450 for 54mfd per leg at 2250 volts.
>In the one case I get 25 percent more capacitance giving me that much less 
>ripple than whatever the original design had, and in the other case I have 8 
>percent more capacitance but rated at 25 percent higher voltage. In both 
>cases the temperature rating on the new caps is 105 c. 
>Since I already bought the caps, the only incremental work is soldering the 
>fith one in on each leg.   How do you choose ? 
Given the working V in an L7 filter, an extra 450v filter cap would be 
guilding the lilly.

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 