[Amps] Fw: Yeasu 2100B

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Sun, 7 Jul 2002 05:18:32 -0700

A single band problem suggests a problem in the tank.  I would re-inspect 
the bandswitch with an inspection mirror and a flashlight,  There could 
be a vapourized contact.  If there is, Murphy's law says it's the contact 
that is the most difficult to inspect.

>I have a Yeasu 2100B amp that has a problem on 40 meters.  The 
>load control is at the end of the range on 40 and I am experiencing 
>lower output than the other bands with the same drive and plate current.  
>The amp is new to me and I expect the lower loading is related to 
>using Svetlana 572Bs.  These tubes are fairly new and came with the amp.  
>However,  80,20,15,10 react as I would expect as to output and plate 
>current.   All voltages are fine and the mod to increase cutoff voltage 
>for the 
>Svetlana has been done.  The band switches look fine and the plate tuning 
>is correct and in the ranges you would expect as per Yeasu.   In all other 
>aspects the amp works fine.  I have had a parasitic event recently that 
>resulted in burned resistors and a shorted grid bypass cap.   The load 
>issue predated the EVENT.  Anyone seen anything like this related to 
>Svetlana tubes or the 2100B???    
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-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 