[Amps] 572B Tube Failure ?

Richard 2@mail.vcnet.com
Sun, 7 Jul 2002 12:15:09 -0700

>Recently we had an SB-200 which suddenly refused to work.  I'm not clear as
>to the exact symptoms as I wasn't there at the time.  Previously the unit
>had performed flawlessly for some years after being upgraded with the entire
>suite of "Harbach mods ".
>While looking at it for signs of trouble I found one resistor (R7) on the
>PW-200 power supply board that was definitely "charred" ... however after
>removing it I found it still showed continuity with 900 Ohms resistance (R7
>is a 910 Ohm, 2 W).  I think that this resistor provides the ALC bias
>When I removed the 572 B tubes (both GE) I noticed that one of  the tubes
>had an "object" rattling around inside, completely unattached to any of the
>tube's internal structure.  ... ...

What is the resistance of the filament in this tube?

tnx, Jim

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 