[Amps] Yaesu FL-7000 question?

David Jones djones449@cogeco.ca
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 21:17:47 -0400


Problem two weekends ago with my FL-7000.

While running the "Protection" circuit kicked in.  Everything normal to that
Turned off and on to reset (as suggested in manual), but after that, any
input power at all caused protection to kick in.

Put it on the bench this week.  Started down the realignment list after
visual inspection revealed nothing unusual.  First item is to set the
voltage, and I noticed that the initial voltage looked to be about 55 (with
the meter on it actually 58v).  Could NOT adjust pot 8002 to lower voltage.

Troubleshooting found the transistor on schematic at Q07 (J09/P56) in PS
Unit was open.  That part appeared to have marking of B824, but the
schematic numbers the part as 2SB5950.


1. Any other problems the above scenario suggests (other than the transistor
we've found)?
2. What is a B824?
3. Is the 2SB5950 p/n accurate as the proper replacement (or its

Any help would be appreciated.  Also sent a note off to Yaesu tech support
and I'm waiting on their reply too.
Thank you!

David VE3STT